New Board Members Appointed; Officers Elected at Annual Meeting

The Friends Board of Directors appointed two Friends members to the board and elected officers for 2023 at its annual meeting on November 28. Joining the board are Aaron Neumann, a project director in education and personnel, and Lindsay Sestile, an attorney working primarily on employment law issues. Both are strong supporters of Worthington Libraries and active in school support groups.

Elected as officers are: Becky Princehorn, president; Susan Emerson, vice president; Michelle Geissbuhler, secretary; and Perry Clark, treasurer. Becky served as vice president in 2022. Since 2020, Susan has served as secretary and Perry as treasurer. Michelle joins the officer team for the first time.

Aaron Neumann

Aaron has lived in the Worthington School District for 10 years, where he, his wife and their two sons are proud patrons of the Northwest Library. He studied classical languages and philosophy at Xavier University in his hometown of Cincinnati, received his master’s degree in American government from Georgetown and currently works as a project director for clients in the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services.

In addition to the Friends Foundation, he is active in other local social groups, including the Liberty Elementary and McCord Middle School PTAs, BSA Cub Scout Pack 332, the Far Northwest Coalition of Columbus and the Columbus Branch of the NAACP. When he’s not reading, he enjoys gardening, watching television, hiking and camping, and solving puzzles.

Leslie Sestile

Lindsay lives in Worthington with her husband, daughter, giant Doodle and indifferent cat.  At any given time, they have collectively checked out a solid percentage of Old Worthington Library’s books.  Apart from a one-year hiatus in Charlotte, Lindsay has been in central Ohio since graduating from Notre Dame Law School in 2002. Over her career, she has worked in both private practice and public interest law and is currently an attorney with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, where she works primarily on employment law issues.

Lindsay is active with the American Bar Association, writing for the Litigation News publication, and is also very involved with the Thomas Worthington High School band program, for which her daughter plays trumpet. When not working, Lindsay enjoys reading, hiking, walking the giant dog, eating Graeter’s, completing crossword puzzles without cheating (when possible), and watching bad Netflix holiday movies with her daughter.

Aaron and Lindsay replace Jim Vitak and John Butterfield, who are completing their terms. Jim has served on the board for the past three years, and John has been on the board for five years, two years as president, with an additional two years as the Library Board’s liaison to the Friends.

Also serving on the board in 2023 are: Gari Aber, Wade Duym, Eddie Pauline, Rosemary Rossiter, Michelle Sarff and Erika Tserev.